GutBuster Available NOW!

The game is now released on and Steam!

Thank you all so much for your continued support over the last 8-or-so months while I was engaged in this project. It's easily the biggest thing I've ever done, and I enjoyed my time developing it and hope to make more content for this game and hopefully future games and projects.

All of the betas have been taken down from Patreon and itch, only the release and post release versions will be available from now on. All the posts here regarding development are now public. I hope you don't mind, but now if you wish to access the game, and you haven't made a pledge during the development phase, it will no longer be $3, but $4.99 to buy a digital copy. But if you DID pledge...

  • Supporter Keys:

    Earlier I said that I'd contact everyone who contributed at least $3 since August, but I realized I'd had started earlier than that, so I decided to extend that cutoff to those of you who contributed April 12th, 2024 to January 26th, 2025. I should have already sent DMs to everyone eligible to inquire for your free key to the release version of the game. Please keep in mind that the game is on both itch and Steam, but for the sake of security, I will only send one key, so be sure to DM me back with which version you would like!

  • GutBuster Official Soundtrack

    As you may know, I personally made all the music for the game. I have collected all of it into a digital album that's 100% free for all to download on various platforms. It comes bundled with the Steam version of the game (though due to a screwup during submission it will be unlocked on January 31st) but I also made it a free download on the itch page for the game and on Bandcamp, under the "label" RoyalJellySOUNDwich. It's over 12 minutes of music covering stages, incidental events, and even the cutscenes!

  • What now?

    Well, right now I kinda don't want to even look at a coding screen for a while, I'm just gonna handle the release and promotion for this game, getting the keys out, and most importantly, catching up on commissions and rewards I've been owing since I started this project. To all of you I've kept waiting, sorry I've been so selfish. I just haven't been able to concentrate on them and remained hyper-focused for months on this game, but I feel that now I've gotten it out of my system I feel like i can get back to drawing. As for what comes later for the game, I'd like to make free updates (already have some ideas for a survival mode) but I'm probably only gonna bother if the game sells well.

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Felicitaciones!  Congratulations on being able to launch your game! 

I'm looking forward to playing it but I'd like to wait until it's on sale and I want to mention that I'd love to give some ideas for the game but I'm not a member of your Patreon but I'm still happy that you achieved your goal.

Thanks! I don't have plans for a sale any time soon, but I'm pretty sure I'll get to one eventually.